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German court bans Tesla ad statements related to autonomous driving


FRANKFURT (Reuters) - Germany has banned Tesla from repeating what a court says are misleading advertising statements relating to the capabilities of the firm’s driver assistance systems and to autonomous driving, a Munich judge ruled on Tuesday.



The vast majority of serious malware over the past 30 years has been written in Assembly or compiled languages such as C, C++, and Delphi. However, ever-increasing over the past decade, a large amount of malware has been written in interpreted languages, such as Python. The low barrier to entry, ease of use, rapid development process, and massive library collection has made Python attractive for millions of developers- including malware authors. Python has quickly become a standard language in which threat actors create Remote Access Trojans (RATs), information stealers, and vulnerability exploit tools. As Python continues to grow radically in popularity and the C malware monoculture continues to be challenged, it would seem only certain that Python will be increasingly utilized as malware in cyber attacks.

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