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I woke up today to notice malwarebytes found about 25 detections -- all flagged as Backdoor.NanoCore with 24 being registry issues and one being /System32/MBPPCN64.DLL

I'm pretty careful with my computer and on top of things, so it was a bit surprising to find so many detections.

On top of that, Malwarebytes scans my computer daily and there hasn't been/is almost never any problems; and in the past couple days the only thing I've even downloaded was a program called shutdownblocker.exe (to stop OS and program-related auto shutdowns of my PC) and re-activated chrome remote desktop on my other laptop so I could access it from this PC when needed.

MBytes has removed the issue, however, I'm wondering what is the threat of having this virus and where is it likely acquired from?


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