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17 minutes ago, exile360 said:

For me on SRWare Iron, Ron's post with the wallpapers is #150 and it's the final post on the page.

I see the same thing you are seeing too but there’s a 145 post to on the same day but at a different time as you can see in the pics. 

Edited by Hardhead
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When I seen the first post 145 on my phone I had an issue embedding that post and I didn’t scroll down until I was advised that there was no pictures in post 145. This last time I was on my laptop. LoL I think that covers everything I was trying to say. I was confused when I was told there were no pictures in post 145. Maybe it’s just a glitch in the latest forum upgrade. Have a great weekend everyone. I’m wore out and it has been in the 90s for the last nine days and it suppose to be even hotter this coming week. Thank goodness for AC at home and in the car. 

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@AdvancedSetup I believe that the problem may be related to a software update that I use on my phone and laptop that may be causing the post count being displayed incorrectly. I’m going to contact the support and see what they have to say about what is happening while posting on Invision forums. I will get back with via PM when I get an answer.  😉

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