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Malwarebytes Privacy - IP Address with VPN


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Hi everyone,

I have just upgraded my Malwarebytes subscription to include the VPN software. Could you please advise me why my IP is not hidden, for example when I run an internet speed test?


However it remains hidden while checking it in the browser - see below. Am I missing something?



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Your IP address is hidden and Malwarebytes Privacy is working correctly on your OS. The IP in the lower left corner is your IP from your ISP and the IP on the right is the public IP which is what it is using. Ops sorry I missed the IP listing.  I see what you mean now 

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Well, I am pretty surprised with the speed test results and I never knew that Malware Bytes is also offering its own VPN solutions. I have been using Ivacy VPN for a long time, and pretty convinced with it, but I am going to give a try to Malware Bytes VPN too just to see how it performs against my present VPN service. 

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5 hours ago, aleeam said:

Well, I am pretty surprised with the speed test results and I never knew that Malware Bytes is also offering its own VPN solutions. I have been using Ivacy VPN for a long time, and pretty convinced with it, but I am going to give a try to Malware Bytes VPN too just to see how it performs against my present VPN service. 

So far (for few days) I did not had any slow downs with my internet connection - also been downloading some PC games via steam to test it. Works great for me :)

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