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Malicious link?


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I got this from someone in an email and I suspect it is malware on their machine sending bad links to contacts.


Can you verify it is bad: 




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4 minutes ago, RWint said:

and I suspect it is malware on their machine sending bad links to contacts.

Malware may not be on their machine. Usually it is that they have been phished in the past and some one has control of the email account at the web mail level.

Password change is in order if you know the person.

For me the link if allowed goes to a spammed web page.




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Thanks for the reply.  I got another one of these today from a different account.  I noticed that the acount it was sent from is someone I do not know (the 2 emails I got were from different accounts).  Them both have just a link and a name (different in both emails).  The name in both cases were people I know but not the name I use in my contacts.  My wife also got the same emails.  I suspect that it is going through the contacts from someones email but I do not know how to tell who it is short of emailing everyone I know ask asking if they have those names in their contacts.  Do you have any other suggestions?

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  • Root Admin

That link redirects to various other pages based on a script. It more than likely will give a different link after each visit or after multiple visits. I would highly recommend you not click links that are unknown as they can easily lead to an infection.


Further information on protecting your data and privacy



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