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I recently downloaded a safe portable program by Cheathappens called Cosmos that I put in my Portable folder for which I then created a desktop shortcut that I named Cosmos.  Unfortunately Adwcleaner has detected the .lnk file as PUP.Optional.CosmosSystemCare which it isn't connected to.  Obviously the PUP software Cosmos System Care creates a shortcut named Cosmos also, hence the detection.

Now, I know I can simply add the legitimate .lnk file to exclusions, but I'm wondering if this would then prevent Adwcleaner from detecting a genuine Cosmos System Care shortcut if it ever happened to infect my PC in the future.

So, in short, does adding a file to an exclusion just prevent that one file from being detected or does it block all files that happen to be named Cosmos?


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Thanks for posting in the AdwCleaner Help forum.
In order to help us assist you to resolve your issue, please post or attach your latest AdwCleaner log files with your post. https://support.malwarebytes.com/hc/en-us/articles/360039021593

Someone will reply shortly, but in the meantime here are a few resources which may help resolve your issue:

Thanks in advance for your patience.

-The Malwarebytes Forum Team





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The exclusion should only apply to that specific item so if the 'real' PUP were ever installed on your system Malwarebytes would detect it, though if it creates the same shortcut on the desktop (which it would likely need to delete/replace your existing shortcut), Malwarebytes would not detect the 'true' PUP shortcut but the rest should still be detected just fine.

I hope this helps.

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16 hours ago, exile360 said:

The exclusion should only apply to that specific item so if the 'real' PUP were ever installed on your system Malwarebytes would detect it, though if it creates the same shortcut on the desktop (which it would likely need to delete/replace your existing shortcut), Malwarebytes would not detect the 'true' PUP shortcut but the rest should still be detected just fine.

I hope this helps.

Cheers Exile360. 👍

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