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It is a few days that when I turn the Mac back on I find a Recovered files folder in the macOS Recycle Bin (with a possible progressive if I have not deleted the previous one) containing a .plist.different_characters_casual file that changes its name every time (size 0 bytes or few bytes).
Below the post I attach the files found with this morning's tests (I have logged in and turned off the Mac 3 times) obviously zipped.
I state that Malwarebytes doesn't detect anything, but I can't understand what they are created from (changes name every time) and until a few days ago it had never happened.
I thank anyone who will be able to give me an idea of what they are.

Good day

PS: I have been using Safari Technology Preview 109 for a few days


Recovered Files Folder.zip

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I'm only surprised that "until a few days ago it had never happened." I've been seeing different items in that folder for at least a couple of years now. Just a temporary file that wasn't able to be saved to disk for some reason and was recovered from RAM in case it was something you need. 

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