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Hi guys,

When I do a scan it I get emails saying "machine.command.failed".

I've asked about this problem before and I was told that this meant the machine went offline, but I have computers that are on 24/7 and they're still doing it so I'm not convinced. Is there a better explaination for this? How do I fix it?


Also, is there a way to silently uninstall and reinstall Malwarebytes Endpoint Protection that I can do via command line? I have remote management software so I can add or remove programs if I have the installer or uninstaller switches.

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  • Staff

Hello @AlexLeadingEdge,

I see that you were having some difficulties with scans failing.  It could either be the machine is not connecting to the cloud console, in which case you may want to restart the endpoint, or the "Malwarebytes Endpoint Agent" service.  If the plugin is not installed,  that would also cause it to fail.  When you look at the list of services, do you see the "Malwarebytes Service?"  It should be directly under the aforementioned "Malwarebytes Endpoint Agent" service.  

Regarding uninstalling and redeploying Malwarebytes, you can use the uninstall utility, MBST, linked below.

MBST CLI Utility:  https://support.malwarebytes.com/hc/en-us/articles/360038524734

Installing Malwarebytes: https://support.malwarebytes.com/hc/en-us/articles/360039025273-Add-endpoints-in-Malwarebytes-Nebula

An excerpt from the installation link

Windows MSI:

msiexec /i "<fullpath1>\Setup.MBEndpointAgent.msi" /quiet /log


Windows command line switches

  • /i - Runs installation. Example:
    msiexec /i "<fullpath1>\Setup.MBEndpointAgent.msi" /passive

  • /x - Runs uninstall. Example:
    msiexec /x "<fullpath1>\Setup.MBEndpointAgent.msi" /quiet

  • /quiet - Optional. Runs silent installation.

  • /passive - Optional. Runs installation and shows GUI progress box.

  • /log - Optional. Outputs to the specified file. This is equivalent to the switch “/L”. If a software deployment tool is being tested where /log cannot be used, a registry setting can force logging. For more information, see Additional MSI References below.


Warm Regards,

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