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Thank you for all those answers. Backup is a 3TB Airport 285 GB free. MacIntosh HD 650 GB used with 460 GB of that iOS, and 1.35 TB free. My Time Machine backups go back over a month but in some situations I need an older file, so I like to back up to an external drive every so often.

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Time Machine backups should definitely be going back more than a month. Time Machine automatically makes hourly backups for the past 24 hours, daily backups for the past month, and weekly backups for all previous months. The oldest backups are deleted when your backup disk is full. Perhaps you files are being changed at a higher rate than mine, but my 3TB TM drives go back over a year, after having to start over on one of them a few months ago.

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Oldest backup is March 15. I'll look into this. I'm aware of the hourly, daily, and weekly backups that Time Machine automatically makes. I just assumed 6 weeks or so was the limit of Time Machine based on my 3 TB Airport; never imagined it could go back a year. I have a MacBook Air going to the same Airport, there is not much on it. I use iCloud for some things and that won't be on the TM backups (geez or will they), saving some space. Thanks so much. 

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  • Staff
20 hours ago, Joely said:

Under reports, I don't see any blue links in the history at all.

You're looking at the wrong reports. (I know, it's confusing and we need to clarify that when we can.) Go to the Reports tab on the Scanner card, not the Detection History card. If you don't see it there, you're running an outdated version of the software that doesn't have that yet.

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14 hours ago, alvarnell said:

In addition to blocking both bad sites and bad advertising on other sites, it’s main purpose is to scan everything you download to detect malware installers or applications.

Just a clarification here: Malwarebytes for Mac does not block websites in any way. Al may be referring to the free Browser Guard browser extension, which works with Chrome and Firefox:


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6 hours ago, treed said:

You're looking at the wrong reports. (I know, it's confusing and we need to clarify that when we can.) Go to the Reports tab on the Scanner card, not the Detection History card. If you don't see it there, you're running an outdated version of the software that doesn't have that yet.

Thank you. Found the correct tab, though my reports have expired since it's been over 30 days. Now I know for next time. 

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