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Lately getting failures installing client


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So lately i am getting Client install errors - Execution Result shows "Installation failed. Type mismatch". Those machines never had Malwarebytes client installed on them. We have newest server management version, even tried to reinstall it.  Any idead where to look for errors, or any tips what to check/do?


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I believe there should be some logs generated by the installer when it attempts to run on an endpoint so that might be a good place to start in troubleshooting the issue.  Event Viewer logs from the affected endpoints might also prove useful if there are any events related to the failed installation.  I believe the setup logs are stored under C:\Windows\Temp, at least for the consumer version and it may be the same for Malwarebytes Endpoint Protection.  Look for any mb_errors and mbamservice logs as well as any logs related to the setup/installer which may be named similarly (such as mb_setup).

I hope this helps, however if you aren't able to resolve the issue still then I would suggest creating a ticket with Malwarebytes Support to access the priority business support you are entitled to as a Malwarebytes Business customer by filling out the form found here and they should be able to assist you in resolving this issue.

Please let us know if there is anything else we might assist you with.


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