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I've been looking at these forums and it seems that I have the same kind of problem that most people here had been having. Anytime I try to run my Malwarebytes software it will run for about 5 seconds before shutting itself down. When I try to click on it again to restart the program, I get the error message "Windows cannot access the specific device, path, or file. You may not have the appropriate permission to access this item." I have already tried to uninstall it then re-download a newer (and hopefully workable) version of Malwarebytes, but the same situation happens.

I tried to download other anti-virus/scanning programs but nothing will run (or sometimes even open). I went online and saw that others were having this problem, but since each solution seems to be tailored to the person who started the topic, I couldn't just copy their solution and hope it would work for me. The problem just started yesterday and right now my computer is showing signs of becoming more sluggish. I'm hoping that I can get this resolved before other things start crashing on me.

I'm not sure what diagonistics I need to run in order for you guys to help me. Thanks in advance.

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