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Please create an ARM64 version


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I'm just rebuilding my new Surface Pro X after unwittingly installing Malwarebytes. I crashed the Surface so badly that no recovery option worked, other than a factory reset. Now I know this does not work and according to this article, https://support.malwarebytes.com/docs/DOC-3635,

"ARM-based Windows 10 PCs, such as Surface Pro X, are not currently compatible with Malwarebytes for Windows version 4. If you install Malwarebytes version 4 on this kind of device, technical issues may occur, such as an operating system crash.

We recommend you do not install Malwarebytes for Windows version 4 on the Surface Pro X or other ARM-based device."

Well, thanks for that. How about detecting the environment and preventing the install instead of allowing it to crash and burn the machine?

Also, how about creating an ARM64 compatible build of Malwarebytes? I have paid for the software. I'm expecting it to work on a Windows machine without me having to have a degree in computer science to figure out whether or not it may be compatible with this new machine's particular processor. That's your job.

Sincerely annoyed, 



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25 minutes ago, teylyn said:

I have paid for the software.

I personally did know about ARM devices (Never owned one.Actually I actually forgot they exist.). You can get a refund with out issue. 

Please contact Malwarebytes Support directly by filling out the form on the bottom of this page and they will assist you

Edited by Porthos
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  • 4 weeks later...

I have been asking for an ARM 64 version of Malwarebytes for a while now, but as an x86-64 user I didn't realize that there would be problems as significant as a crash. @teylyn you have my sympathies.

It doesn't seem like it should be too difficult for them to recompile Malwarebytes for a different architecture using the existing code. We should keep asking.

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  • Root Admin

ARM does work a lot differently than the x86 and sooner or later as long as they keep on top of developments it may surpass the power of the x86 architecture.

Detecting specific OS for denial of installation often is not as straight forward as it seems and can potentially lead to failure to install even on valid systems. I will however voice your concerns to the team.

Thank you


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 7 months later...

According to Microsoft, ARM64 Windows 10 machines will run 32-bit (x86) applications. Is there a 32-bit (x86) version of Malwarebytes available that can be used until an ARM64 Malwarebytes becomes available? I am sure with the numbers of ARM64 devices growing, there will eventually be an ARM64 product released.

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The current installer package includes both x86 and x64 versions of the program, however I suspect that Microsoft's x86 compatibility doesn't extend to the likes of antivirus/anti-malware applications which require low level drivers and some native x86/x64 APIs and instruction sets which likely are incompatible with ARM; it's similar to trying to run an AV/AM app inside an emulator; even if you could get it to work, it likely would not function as expected and probably would not be capable of properly detecting/removing threats.

I can't speak for the Developers of course, and these are just my thoughts on the subject, but I believe a native ARM product would need to be developed in order to properly support ARM based devices/operating systems.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It honestly doesn't seem like it should actually take much extra work to compile it for that platform. As far as I understand... It's the same source code, just a different compiler target.

Unless Malwarebytes has important dependencies that aren't currently available for ARM64. That would actually explain a lot, if that were the case.

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