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MBAE service stoppage issues

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I've noticed that in Windows 10 PVDI that I had to double click on the Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit.exe in order to get it appear in the task bar. If I look at the services, the service is started. If I look under program files it is installed.

Why doesn't it appear in the task bar with the Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomware and Anti-Malware?



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Customers are still reporting receive a warning block that says:  Malwarebytes anti-Exploit has blocked an exploit attempt when trying to open up links.  One of the links I tried to go to was The Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine published by the American Medical Association.  Another was a link to a funding grant for Walk to School.

Another customer reports that opening up  a hyperlink in word document, document closes without saving and  a Malware Bytes Anti-Exploit pop-up.


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