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Full Disk Access Failed

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Hello @treed and company:

As I have noted in a different sub-forum thread, https://forums.malwarebytes.com/topic/252402-catalina-is-out/?do=findComment&comment=1338944 following the procedure in https://support.malwarebytes.com/docs/DOC-3477 I successfully get to the end of step 6.  Then, I attempt to drill down using @GuruGuy's  /Library/Application Support/Malwarebytes/MBAM/Engine.bundle/Contents/PlugIns/RTProtectionDaemon.app suggestion.  However, as in the attached screen shot, Engine.bundle is grayed out which stops further progress.

This has me wondering if I have made previous system changes not easily traced to the above issue.


Screen Shot 2019-10-08 at 14.53.05.png

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Hi @1PW,

Adding Files to Full Disk Access (FDA) can be done by

1. Open Finder and Go to folder from Go menu and switch to below location

/Library/Application Support/Malwarebytes/MBAM/Engine.bundle/Contents/PlugIns/

Drag and Drop "Malwarebytes protection" to FDA window


2. From System Preferences, security and privacy >   Click the + button below the list of apps > In the file selection dialog that opens, press command-shift-G > Go to above location and select "Malwarebytes protection"

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It should work regardless of whether greyed out or not by using the Finder Go menu's  "Go to Folder..." selection and pasting the posted path. 

It does work for me, although the bundle isn't greyed out with my setup for whatever reason.

Just to double-check, you are running macOS Catalina 10.15 (19A583) and logged in as admin user?

What do you get when you copy and paste the following Terminal Command?

ls -@lO /Library/Application\ Support/Malwarebytes/MBAM/


Edited by alvarnell
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Hello @alvarnell:

44 minutes ago, alvarnell said:

Just to double-check, you are running macOS Catalina 10.15 (19A583) and logged in as admin user?

Yes Al.  I apologize for my language in the OP which was quite imprecise.  I was exactly at the above build and I was logged in as an admin at the time of the OP.


What do you get when you copy and paste the following Terminal Command?

ls -@lO /Library/Application\ Support/Malwarebytes/MBAM/

ls -@lO /Library/Application\ Support/Malwarebytes/MBAM/Engine.bundle/Contents/PlugIns/
total 0
drwxr-xr-x  3 root  admin  - 96 Sep 27 18:36 FrontendAgent.app
drwxr-xr-x  3 root  admin  - 96 Sep 27 18:36 FrontendApplication.app
drwxr-xr-x  3 root  admin  - 96 Sep 27 18:36 RTProtectionDaemon.app
drwxr-xr-x  3 root  admin  - 96 Sep 27 18:36 SettingsDaemon.app

As I have posted above to @adas, all is very well now.  This still leaves other Malwarebytes for Mac users who may be faced with similar circumstances.

@GuruGuy: I hope your system is good now.  If not, please take over this thread with my sincere blessings.


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