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Installation path cannot be a root directory error


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I just tried installing the beta over 3.8.3 and after clicking on the advanced options link in the installer and unchecking the option to create a desktop shortcut and then clicking Install I received the following error:


Here is what the installer looks like where I am clicking 'Install':


I did not change the default install path, I didn't click 'Browse' and all I did was click the checkbox next to Create desktop shortcut to uncheck it so I'm not sure why it's throwing this error, but I thought you might want to know about it.  I'll try a couple of things to see if I can get around it.

I'm on Windows 7 x64.

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I finished the install by skipping the advanced options and instead just using the defaults and was prompted to reboot to complete the installation.  After doing so, I noticed that MB did not launch on boot and so I launched it manually only to discover that I was till on version 3, not beta 4.  Obviously there was a problem during the upgrade.

Here is the install log.  I'll try again by removing MB3 first to get the beta installed.


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