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I have installed in my computer Malwarebytes version 1.8.03443 and the Anti-exploit for business The problem I am having is happening just to me.

In Word or Excel when I try to open a document through  the File tab, click browse the application close itself. This is not happening if I stop Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit or unlock the shield protection in Word. I repaired Office and uninstalled and reinstalled Malwarebytes. I tried to restore the machine too but it did not work. In the Ati-exploit I don't see any logs. What can it be creating this problem? Help please.


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Hello @leobando

I believe this is happening when the folder you are browsing to has a JPEG inside of it. The default folder that is being opened when you click browse might have a JPEG in it already. That might be your documents folder or the directory of the root file itself.

To fix this issue, you should just need to update Anti-Exploit.

Double click on the Anti-Exploit icon in your system tray at the bottom right, then go to Settings -> Automatically upgrade to new versions and close out. The Anti-Exploit icon should automatically disappear from the system tray as it attempts to upgrade. After a minute or so, try to manually launch Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit (Start Menu -> Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit -> Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit or C:\Program Files (x86)\Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit\mbae.exe).

Afterwards, double click on the icon in the system tray again to confirm you are now on Then, please try to see if Word or Excel are still crashing. 


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I followed your instructions and it seems to be fixed. Thank you for your help. Just for curiosity, is there a way I can enable the automatic update from the Malwarebytes Management Console for all the clients with the anti-exploit installed?

Thank you

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