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I am representing the company named Mirillis. We are the developers of softwares like Action!, Monflo and Splash. Recently we have changed the code signature (to EV) and now auto update, which are downloaded from our servers, are blocked by Malwarebytes antivirus and won't start. You can download a test version here: 


. The setup file is working ok when downloaded from web browser, but when downloaded by our application in the background it won't start and no message is shown. When we turn off Malwarebytes the updates work ok.

We wish you can help us solve this issue by adding our new EV code signing certificate to white list.

Best regards.
Mirillis Team.

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Can you please run an update of your application with mbam running and then please provide this file so we can analyze what may be blocking?



This May have been automatically fixed yesterday possibly. But without the service log for me to see what is triggering i cant be sure.


Edited by shadowwar
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