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So, like many others, I’m getting none stop pop-up notifications blocking websites as malicious - sites like Microsoft and google. It looks like update package version 1.0.11788 is causing the issue and 1.0.11789 corrects it. My MBAM says 1.0.11788 is current even when I manually check for updates. Do I have to upgrade the whole program to get package version 1.0.11789? Why can’t I update to a working version without upgrading the whole program?

This really looks like Malwarebytes deliberately delivered a flawed update to force users to upgrade program. Why the deception?

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  • Root Admin

Hello @Dm310

Sorry to hear you're having issues. The version 1.0.11789 should update without any package update.  Please try restarting the computer and then checking for updates again and let me know if you're unable to get the 1.0.11789  update or not.

What version of the program are you running?


This is the latest version update at this time. I'm not aware of issues from 3.7.1 forward but if you're running a version much older it may not have  been tested.



Thank you



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14 minutes ago, Dm310 said:

Great. The new update includes a nag notification to upgrade program even with the notification option turned off. Thanks, Malwarebytes. 🙄

Keeping the program updated is important. Program upgrades are not a marketing tool but to keep MB able to better protect your computer.

Edited by Porthos
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  • Root Admin

Yes, there is built-in messaging for the product as we have had multiple requests over time asking why we didn't alert users to certain issues. If you're using the Premium version then there should be very few messages. There are no upgrades beyond premium. If you're using the free version then yes there may be some messages about possible upgrades which is an industry standard.


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6 hours ago, Porthos said:

Keeping the program updated is important. Program upgrades are not a marketing tool but to keep MB able to better protect your computer.

Come on, man, don’t tell me it isn’t a marketing tool when the notifications pop-up even when notifications are turned off. I’ve even hidden Malwarebytes icon and notifications in the windows toolbar, yet they still pop-up.

It’s nice that you want users to have the latest version, but to make these notifications pop-up a  half dozen times a day (I’ve had them pop-up 4 times since updating this morning) despite the user’s wishes is annoying. It’s as bad as adware. Malwarebytes is becoming what it claims to protect us against.

Just give us the option to turn them off.

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5 hours ago, AdvancedSetup said:

Yes, there is built-in messaging for the product as we have had multiple requests over time asking why we didn't alert users to certain issues. If you're using the Premium version then there should be very few messages. There are no upgrades beyond premium. If you're using the free version then yes there may be some messages about possible upgrades which is an industry standard.


How many is “very few”? I’ve had them pop-up at least 4 times in the last 6 hours even after turning off notifications in the program settings AND in the windows toolbar. 

Yes, I’m using the premium version. I would expect a few pop-ups to update in a free version, but a paid version should have an option that actually disables notifications.

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  • Root Admin

The program should not be having any popups on the premium version. We did push one a few days ago. It should have only launched one time.

Can you please follow the directions from the following link and post back the log so we can review and see why that's happening on your system.


Thank you



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If that is the case, then the solution is simply to follow the instructions in this support article then to follow the instructions in this support article and the issue should be resolved.

Once you are ready to install the new version, simply launch Malwarebytes and go to Settings>Application and click on the Install Application Updates button and allow the program to download and install the new version.

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