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I change my passwords about every six months and on 7-23-19 I reset my password for Malwarebytes.

Today, 7-30-19 I tried to login but got a message "Your email and/or password is incorrect etc." I clicked on the link to reset my password; then set a new password and started a new topic about rootkits.

I logged out and a few minutes later got an email response to my topic. So I tried to log back in and got the " Your email and/or password is incorrect etc." with a link to reset the password. I reset the password again (2nd time today) then opened a new window to check the login; but it still doesn't work and now I get the message " Your email and/or password is incorrect. You have 9 attempts before your account is locked."

Can any staff members help me with this please? If I log out of forums now I won't be able to get back in without resetting the password again.




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  • Root Admin

Hello @Jack_t

I'm sorry but this is a browser issue. There is no setting within the software here to do that. Please try using another browser and see if that corrects the issue. If it let you in before and not now then something is probably either removing the cookie or deleting it.



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