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Hi, Adware 7.4 is identifying my Toshiba System Settings and System driver as 'bloatware' and wants to quarentine them. I have tried to exclude them, but nothing I seem to do prevents Adware from identifying them. As I am blind and use a screen reader, I find it a little difficult, but not impossible, to use the exclusion screen, but have no idea as to what syntax to use so that Adware excludes these items. Any assistance would be much appreciated.

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Thanks for posting in the AdwCleaner Help forum.

Someone will reply shortly, but in the meantime here are a few resources which may help resolve your issue:

Thanks in advance for your patience.

-The Malwarebytes Forum Team

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The easiest way to exclude these items would likely be to simply perform a scan, and once the scan completes and you see these items listed in the scan results, right-click on each and select the option to always ignore and they will be added to your exclusions so that they are no longer detected.  This is much easier than trying to exclude the items manually via the Exclusions screen.

I hope this helps, and please let us know if you still have any trouble or if there is anything else we might assist you with.


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Hi, thanks for the suggestion. I just ran Adware again to follow you suggestion and to my surprise it did not identify the System settings or driver as a problem. I previously entered 'Toshobia System Settings' and 'Toshiba System Driver' in the exclusions under the 'Family' option but it didn't work originally but it appears to have accepted it now. Ho happy days!

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@stratman Thank you for the feedback!

If there is anything we can do to make AdwCleaner's usage easier with a screen reader, please let me know as this is important and I sincerely want to make this working right. We improved it in the past, but I'm sure we can do things even better on this topic, so I'd be happy to get your input.

Best regards,

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