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Preinstalled.HPJumpStartApps on self-built PC?

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Thanks for posting in the AdwCleaner Help forum.

Someone will reply shortly, but in the meantime here are a few resources which may help resolve your issue:

Thanks in advance for your patience.

-The Malwarebytes Forum Team

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It may be a false positive.  Please restore the item from quarantine assuming you have not deleted it, then perform another scan with ADWCleaner and once it shows the detection, expand the detected item using the + next to it (if there is one) and extend the UI window to show the full details of the detected item and either note it and reproduce it here or simply take a screenshot of it and post it here for review.


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I see, thanks.  You should be able to view further details by expanding the size of the window.  There should be another column there that shows the full path of the detection.  That will give us a better idea of what might be triggering the FP.  If there isn't, then you should still be able to right-click the entry and choose the option to always ignore is so that it is added to your exclusions to prevent it from being detected in future scans.

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@rexbinary You are right, no additional details are available for those detection (as there is on the PUP/Adware side). The only way to know more here would be with the debug logfile (Settings > Debug Mode: `On`) prior scanning, or by sharing the quarantine content (C:\AdwCleaner\Quarantine) so that we can look more into it.


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