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Is there a way to update manually update malware definitions on machines not connected to the internet?  I have a Win 7 computer that I need for legacy software, but for obvious reasons I don't want it online.  However it occasionally gets files from other researchers via flash drive so I don't want to leave it unprotected?  Does Malwarebytes support this?  Does anyone know of other software that does?

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Unfortunately no, you can't keep the license active and definitiions updated without internet access.  That said, I'm personally still using Windows 7 online and in fact I'm typing this message from a Windows 7 machine right now.  Obviously in the future once support for 7 ends and Microsoft stops issuing security updates it may become a concern, but for the time being Windows 7 is still getting monthly updates from Microsoft for security vulnerabilities and issues.  Of course I also take additional measures to secure my system, far beyond just running anti-malware software and installing patches.  I have also fully disabled, crippled or removed every aspect of sharing, remote control, remote access and many other potentially high risk aspects of the Windows operating system, so much so that I'm actually confident that even after Microsoft stops offering updates for 7, my 7 systems will still be more secure against attack than a stock patched build of Windows 10 (I also happen to have a Windows 10 system and I've found that much of what I have done to further secure my Windows 7 system cannot be done on Windows 10 due to Microsoft making changes to the level of access and control that the user has over the operating system, and they've also tied many core functions into components that would normally only be used for things like remote control and remote access so that they cannot be safely disabled without also losing total internet connectivity which is quite unfortunate).

With all of that said, I am confident that the protection provided by Malwarebytes should go far in keeping your device secure, especially if you only bring it online for updates and patches and new signatures for Malwarebytes.  The great risk online of getting infected comes mostly from surfing around the web, not from doing things like installing Windows Updates and updating your anti-malware software, especially if you keep the Windows Firewall active and even more so if you connect to the web through a router or other device that acts as a hardware firewall.

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