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Hi Tecnicos Arroba - Welcome - :P

This infection is everywhere - The first thing you should do is to make sure all the computers have an antivirus program - Even a free version of Avira or similar and set it for regular daily scans - We then recommend you always have Malwarebytes installed on the computers and HiJackThis for keeping records as well as helping us to remove it - Even the free version is usually enough to remove most versions of this infection - ;)

There are several other ways that it can be removed and we are always happy to assist you with the processes needed -

Watch for any sites that you think are carrying this infection and stay away from them - Please post back with any specific problems

-srtools1980y has given you some hints on sites, so post back here for each problem please -

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Sorry but unless you 'beef up' the firewall they will keep getting in - The companies you are dealing with are accessing infected sites and you or another person must educate them to not go to these sites (not sure what they are looking at but I do not think it is company work) -

You must make sure the A/V programs are updated at all times and Malwarebytes is always updated -

You can use this site if you have infected systems, but apart from that we can only give general information - :P

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