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Extensions are the coolest feature of FF IMO, it depends on what you want to do or how you surf that makes choosing easier and more efficient. I can't live without some of mine. ForcastFox is one I always have, it shows you the outside temp and weather forcast for as many days as you want to make it show. Colorful tabs is another gives each tab a color, adblock plus, Gmail manager, Google browser sync is very nice for having all the same settings and bookmarks on two PC's. Foxmarks saves all bookmarks so you never lose them. The Google tool bar is great. I like and use Image Zoom a lot, (old eyes) :P Interclue gives a preview of search pages and saves you time searching. A word of caution with this one, turn it off for forum searching, the flood controls will just give you errors. Nuke anything enhanced is good for ridding banner ads etc. Split browser lets you split the browser into several different ways. Undo closed tabs is invaluable for getting back that tab you really didn't mean to close. Smiley extra has a huge database of smileys for forum posting. View cookies shows you what cookie the current page is giving you.

Those are just some of mine. What you need to watch out for is some extensions don't work with others. Add extensions one at a time then you will know which is causing trouble. Other wise it can be a real pain to find the culprit.

I'm sure others have their favorites too.

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