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Hi there, 

Hoping someone can help me! I have had viruses in the past and just done a clean install of windows to sort it out but in this case I can not afford to do that! 

I was running windows 10 off of an external HDD that had so much data on it that I really need! and somehow caught a virus by running a dodgy .exe file I assume. I knew something was wrong because even when I wasn't using anything on the operating system every minute or so the cursor would have the blue loading icon next to it for no reason. Come to find out I wake up today and can no longer boot into windows! 

I have 2 internal HDD's too. 1 with windows on and the other with Mac OS X. I can no longer boot into my windows HDD now either! Booted into OSX and saw that everything on my external and internal windows drives have been corrupted!!! 

There is a silver lining though... when I check the space used on both drives it appears that the files have not been deleted and the disk space used is the same as it was previously. Rather, every file and folder have been changed to 12KB .exe files and hidden the real files somewhere... I don't want to delete them just in case because I don't know what the best course of action is but I NEED to recover these files. over 600GB of work data and YEARS of backups all the way from 2010! using Mac OS X right now so there is no chance of the worm passing over to this OS which is fine but I feel as if I might need windows to actually fix this issue but I can't boot into any OS!

Any help would be appreciated! really don't want to lose all of this work from over the years :( Thank you for any help at all!  

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NeverMind! I made progress! using the terminal on Mac OS X to access hidden files and folders using command:


defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles TRUE;killall Finder


After this I can now see the files remain but have been corrupted and added extra files because of the virus. nevertheless I can now access my files and they still work! So I am going to back them up onto another external HDD throughout the day. then delete everything! and start again with a clean install of windows!  

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