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On 6/29/2019 at 5:51 PM, AdvancedSetup said:

If you do need additional help please let us know and we'll be more than happy to assist you.

Hey Ron.  I upgraded to 3.8.3 because I suddenly started getting frequent BSOD just the past two days.  From previous experience, I'm quite sure it's Malwarebytes.

Anyway, I'm having the same problem with activation.  I put in my license key and license ID (it's a really  old lifetime license) and it says something about too many activations.

I can't use My Account because I bought Malwarebytes long ago when I used a different email address.  I can remember the old email address but I don't have access to that old email account anymore.  I also can't recall where I bought my license but it was legit.

Obviously, I don't want to post my license ID and key here on the forum.  Can you please help me?




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Hello Rickmb,

 I would encourage you, if you have not already done so, to create a Help Ticket with Support.   This forum can only provide you generic type help.

Please go to this link   https://support.malwarebytes.com/community/contactsupport/pages/home-support

Provide the detail and submit the ticket.

Do scroll down to the section “Create Ticket”.

Please double check that you supply a valid / properly spelled & correct Email 

On the line “How can we help you”

Be sure to Select  “Need help activating a Malwarebytes product”.


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You are very welcome.  Just stick with the Support ticket.  They can square away the issue of updating the Email address, as well as the license activation.   Do have patience.  They are very lightly staffed on weekends.  They reply in the order of oldest requests first.

Best to you,


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