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Profile editing

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  • Root Admin

Thank you to all the members that have been very understanding of our policy that prohibited profile editing due to Spam. As many of you know we were constantly hit with spammers on a daily basis sometimes in the hundreds of posts per day. With the help of many members here helping us and reporting the spam we were able to remove most of them in a timely manner but it was not very efficient. We found that by restricting profile editing it helped reduce a lot of the spam. We taken other measures to help prevent or at least slow down the spam to a much more manageable volume. With that said, we are going to once again enable profile editing for everyone and monitor the spam levels. If the spam remains low we'll leave profile editing enabled.

Again, thank you very much for all the help from multiple members of the forum.


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Thanks @AdvancedSetupfor enabling profile editing at last. I know this is a serious technical forum and not a social networking site (and it'll be a cold day in Hell before I join F###Book) but the ability to add a little personalisation 😺 is welcome. And good luck in your fight to keep spammers at bay.................

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  • Root Admin
24 minutes ago, StanB said:

I have had my sub since 2013.  I moved several years ago but cannot edit my profile to show the existing street address.  What do I need to do to?

Please NEVER add personal or private information to ANY public site. That includes Facebook, Instagram, Twitter/X, Etc.

One should refrain from posting even real name online when possible. All interactions on the Web should use a pseudonym

Thank you


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