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I can startup my pc and run a threat scan with Malwarebytes 3.7.1 and nothing comes up. When I start Google Chrome and then run the scan again it shows this Pup.Optional.Dsrlte threat. When I quarantine this program it shuts chrome down. Chrome runs perfectly fine. Heard people say it is possibly from extensions. The extensions I currently have are AdBlock, BetterTTV (emotes for twitch), FrankerFaceZ (emotes for twitch), Google Docs Offline, Google Translate, Grammarly for Chrome, Honey, Lastpass, and Motorycycles HD wallpapers dirtbikes new tab. I am going to try uninstalling each one individually to see if that might be the case. I am willing to put some logs of the scans in here just do not know what I need to do to get those. If you would like to see logs then please provide information on what I need to do provide those logs.

Thankyou, Blaise

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Uninstalled the Motorcycles HD wallpapers extension and the Pup went away. Read the reviews on the extension on chrome and many many people are saying that is adware and that even their windows defender detected it. Do yourself a favor and never download any extensions that you do not trust or read information on.

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