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I just downloaded RegASSASSIN to delete the following registry in a Windows Vista machine:


It keeps telling me that the Registry Key cannot be removed.

I'm logged-on with administrator access.

I initially tried regedit32 and was able to delete all sub-nodes except the following:


That is when I came accross RegASSASSIN and was hopping it would do a better job than I.

Does anyone know the solution?


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Thanks! I will try that.

In the mean time I found what was preventing me from deleting the registry with regedit32.

Turns out that, every time I gave myself permission to a particular VID key, a new sub-node gets created with no permissions.

One needs to refresh Reg Editor after each time a permission is added in order to see this.

After two or three iterations, it finally stops creating these sub-nodes and one can finally delete the registry.

I was logged into the machine from an external domain, not to the machine itself. That may be part of the problem since, I

noticed, each new sub-node has <LocalMachine>\Administrators automatically added.


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How are you logging in? (VNC, RWW, RA?)

Bear in mind, depending on the settings of the remote machine, you should be able to connect remotely via your local regedit, to the remote registry and save yourself alot of hassle (do that myself occasionally and not experienced perms issues)

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