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Malwarebytes on Public Beta of Catalina

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Good morning
I'm testing macOS Catalina public beta.
I must say that Malwarebytes, unlike last year where they had seen each other immediately, has not yet given any problems.
The only clarification I ask is this: given what was mentioned in the forum here, given that in Catalina Apple gave these two options, visible in the screenshot: COMPLETE ACCESS TO THE DISC and FILE AND FOLDERS, I wanted to ask to  @treed  which one is useful to put RTProtectionDaemon.
Thank you


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I've been playing around with Catalina, and I can't say that I entirely understand the "Files and Folders" item. It doesn't look like you can directly add the Malwarebytes RTProtectionDaemon there, but if you add it to Full Disk Access, it automatically shows up there.

I can say, though, that in my testing, I've noticed that Full Disk Access doesn't seem to actually give the proper access. I'm not yet sure whether that's an issue with the Catalina beta or if it's some problem with our software running on Catalina.

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I read your post a little while ago;  I wanted to provide feedback.  

The objects scanned on the Catalina system (reproduced the same as Mojave on a separate partition) are about half as many as those scanned on Mojave.

I hope it can be useful.

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