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Looking for interview


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For college, I need to do a PowerPoint presentation about my desired career. I also need to interview two professionals (each from a different company) in my chosen field and write up a resumé. 

It's no secret that I wish to eventually work at Malwarebytes, so naturally this means that I'll need to ask somebody here if I may conduct an interview.

Unfortunately, as I haven't really done this before, I don't really know the first place to start. I don't really know what questions to ask, either, and I still haven't decided what other companies to ask for an interview.

Any advice in this matter would be appreciated.

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I'm in the UK where interview questions and techniques are usually different to how they are done in the US.
(Other countries also expect different things).

I've noticed that myself why applying for UK positions with US headquartered companies.

Typically, apart from the job related basics, the companies want to know quite different things about the applicant(s), their leisure activities, aspects of their life, etc.
(UK employers typically want to know more about your life outside work and so about your personality as a whole, US employers seem to be more work/career focused).

There are many 'How to' websites for both interviewees and interviewers online.
Recruitment sites are often a good source of tips for interviewees.

They will usually also have advice on writing application letters and CV's (resume's for the US).
There are different types of CV/resume - Career based, and Skills based are the two main used types.
eg. If you don't have much of a career history, or it's not directly relevant to the position that you are applying for,  then a Skills based resume may be better for you.

I suggest that as a start you study some of those recruitment and 'how to' sites to get your basic ideas on interview techniques and writing a resume.

Try these for a start:

Edited by nukecad
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