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yes I know that already when it came to the users , a Microsoft MSN (windows live) is an messenger software for windows since windows XP , anyway I want to makes some questions here .

so , there are some of new peer-to-peer messaging software that to using the user’s IP and they claiming to not uploading the user DATA to their own server nor to have the user’s DATA already saved somewhere by them . as I know the peer to peer is meant for a Torrent Clint software tools  . so how these messaging software to be a peer-to-peer ? using of a such software is safe ?

Malwarebytes is protected user while they are using it ?

and why is Microsoft is bundled the windows 10 with the Skype ? (I do not use it but may be I will use another one for gaming if it safe to use of course)

if not

any plan by Malwarebytes team  to covered this  ?


Edited by Gt-truth
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