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BlockBlock GoogleSoftwareUpdateAgent notifications

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If this needs to be be in a different forum please let me know where is needs to be posted. Thanks.

When Google Chrome launched two BlockBlock ksinstall notifications for GoogleSoftwareUpdateAgent are presented. I have attached a screenshot that includes both notifications. I have selected the 'remember' checkbox, then clicked the 'Allow' button many times. They still are presented each time Chrome is launched. Is there something that I should do to prevent this, other than not using Chrome?


Chrome Launch.jpg

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This really should be a question for Patrick Wardle of Objective-See, the developer of Block-Block, but I can give you a couple of facts here.

This isn't malware, just something that Google provides which will automatically update Google apps for you. If that's not what you want, check with Google on how to disable it. Not sure why it's happening every time you launch Chrome. There have been daily updates recently and it takes a few minutes for the updates to take place, so from what you posted one second between launches wasn't enough time for the update to take place. It's also possible that something about that automatic update mechanism isn't working, so best to select "About Google Chrome" from the Chrome menu to see if you need to manually update it. 

Although your screenshot indicates that the same temporary file is being run from /private/tmp/, I suspect the next time it happens the file name will be slightly different from "WHGrrl0UXH" which is why Block-Block can't remember it.

Oh, and one more thing.... Note that Block-Block is still in beta testing (for several years now) so should not be expected to be perfect.

Edited by alvarnell
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Thanks alvarnell.

The was an error in Chrome update indicated in "About Google Chrome". I've included a screenshot of the "About" just for documentation.  Google's instructions for correcting the error were to uninstall Chrome then reinstall.

The first start after the reinstall, the BlockBlock notices we there as they should be. So far they have not shown up on any subsequent starts. I'll add another update to this thread in a few days to confirm that it does fix the problem.

I wasn't trying to demean BlockBlock, I'm very glad to have it. In this situation, I couldn't tell what was causing the situation so it seemed wise to ask.

Thank you very much for the assistance, it is greatly appreciated!

update error 12.jpg

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Update as of June 23, 2019 8:56 PM UTC:

The notifications returned when the next update to Chrome tried to install. This is a Chrome update problem. I'll contact google about the issue and post the result when it is resolved.

In case you are curious the complete error text is: 'KSInstallAction install script failure. Exit code: 12. Standard error output: "goobspatch: old hash mismatch: 4d8d2e922658b14b9f1978ef7893c069c1d2d76e != fda7841238dd407b52bbb85d8fe53e2c18381bae\ndirpatcher.sh: couldn't create /Applications/Google Chrome.app/Contents/Frameworks/Google Chrome Framework.framework/Versions/75.0.3770.100/Google Chrome Framework by applying /tmp/KSInstallAction.QIrZyzY7tb/m/.patch/framework_75.0.3770.90_75.0.3770.100.dirpatch/Google Chrome Framework$gbs to /Applications/Google Chrome.app/Contents/Frameworks/Google Chrome Framework.framework/Versions/75.0.3770.90/Google Chrome Framework\n.keystone_install: dirpatcher of versioned directory failed, status 13\n".'

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Update as of July 24, 2019 2:15 AM UTC:

The problem appeared as if it was resolved. However with update to Version 75.0.3770.100 (Official Build) 964-bit) the update error has returned.

When there is fix from Chrome Support I will post it here. At the moment the uninstall/reinstall is the only solution available.

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