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Kali windows 10 app being blocked

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Hello, Long time malwarebytes user,  I usually am able to figure out my own issues but this one is just frustrating me. 

I installed kali linux via the windows store that uses the Subsystem for linux. Problem is, malwarebytes is blocking kali from accessing updates and alot of the tools available. 

I tried adding the entire windowsapps folder to exclusions but that does not seem to work. Nor does adding kali.exe directly to malwarebytes. 

Does anyone have any ideas that could help? Once I quit out malwarebytes the updates and kali works as normal. 

Thank you for the help

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17 hours ago, LiquidTension said:

Hi @matticus,

Thanks for reporting this. We'll be addressing this issue in the next database update scheduled for release later today.

Once released, you shouldn't encounter any further issues.

Thank you, Everything seems to be working as normal now. Thank you for the speedy response. I continue to sell malwarebytes to all of my customers. Nothing beats it. 

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