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False Positive - Dolphin Emulator


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So I downloaded Dolphin (from the official website dolphin-emu.org) and It was working fine until 2 days after I got it.

Malware bytes said it was ransomware, at first I thought I downloaded it off the wrong website, but I didn't as I watched multiple youtube videos of people downloading it from the exact same website, plus it's the same link on their official youtube channel with over 20k subs. 

The image attached below is what malware bytes showed when it instantly closed the program (the dll is a file name, don't worry about that)

Now when I try to open dolphin it says:

Windows cannot access the specified device, path or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item.

Since Malwarebytes is blocking this, I go to make an exclusion but when I click on dolphin it just says the same thing.

Can anyone help me?, thanks.


Here's the log:


-Log Details-
Protection Event Date: 6/6/19
Protection Event Time: 10:28 PM
Log File: 88e83f1c-8856-11e9-96da-107b44a2b217.json

-Software Information-
Components Version: 1.0.586
Update Package Version: 1.0.10922
License: Premium

-System Information-
OS: Windows 10 (Build 17134.765)
CPU: x64
File System: NTFS
User: System

-Ransomware Details-
File: 1
Malware.Ransom.Agent.Generic, F:\msdia80.dll\Emulation\Dolphin\Dolphin-x64\Dolphin.exe, Blocked, [0], [392685],0.0.0





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This is a ransomware detection, based on behavior when launching the file. Unfortunately, false positives might happen because of this as well.

Please reboot your computer.

After reboot, please unquarantine the file and zip and attach the Dolpin2.exe file to this thread. Also, after reboot, you will be able to add it to your exclusions.

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18 hours ago, miekiemoes said:


This is a ransomware detection, based on behavior when launching the file. Unfortunately, false positives might happen because of this as well.

Please reboot your computer.

After reboot, please unquarantine the file and zip and attach the Dolpin2.exe file to this thread. Also, after reboot, you will be able to add it to your exclusions.


Thanks for the response.

I shut down my computer yesterday and still couldn't make an exclusion, I am currently at work so I will try restarting it when I get home.

Here is the file. 



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It's curious you still couldn't add an exclusion after reboot. Can you maybe temporary disable the antiransomware protection, then reboot and then add an exclusion?

Then enable the antiransomware protection again.

In either way, the file has been whitelisted now.

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