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Hello, so I am currently using Avast but I am curious if from anyone's experiences here if Sophos provides more protection then Avast? (Or if it in general is a better product.) I've used it only once to do a scan to make sure there was no viruses Avast didn't catch. Also in general I am a bit unsure about Avast due to it using so much resources and was curious if Sophos was also more lightweight? 





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38 minutes ago, Hyperwolf122 said:

Hello, so I am currently using Avast but I am curious if from anyone's experiences here if Sophos provides more protection then Avast? (Or if it in general is a better product.) I've used it only once to do a scan to make sure there was no viruses Avast didn't catch. Also in general I am a bit unsure about Avast due to it using so much resources and was curious if Sophos was also more lightweight? 





If using Windows 10, None of the above. Defender and MB only. my .02

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Just now, Hyperwolf122 said:

Thank you both for the suggestions! I at the moment am using Malwarebytes free, do you think Windows defender would be a good option still without full time protection? 

If you are not willing or cant afford Premium, My suggestion is to at least use Firefox or Chrome with the Malwarebytes browser extension installed and possibly the free anti exploit beta.

That is what I do for my clients who are not willing to purchase Malwarebytes from me.

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  • Root Admin

Well, Windows Defender on Windows 10 is pretty close to being on par with the others. Each has some pieces the other may not.


Let's get real. If you're not backing up your data and you're still using Google Chrome then you're just not serious about Privacy, Safety, and protecting your data. Malwarebytes is a fantastic program but you still need to back up your data and you still need to block scripts and Ads in your browser. 
If you're still using Google Chrome I would highly suggest you consider using Firefox instead. For more advanced users you might consider installing NoScript as well (it does have a higher learning curve though)

Help Secure your browsers

Please install uBlock Origin for your browsers to better protect your system

FireFox, ChromeOpera , SafariMicrosoft Edge
AdBlock for Internet Explorer
How to use uBlock Origin to protect your online privacy and security | uBlock Origin tutorial 2018

This video tutorial above explains how to use uBlock Origin in advanced user mode and all the advanced settings to protect your online privacy and help prevent unwanted sites from changing your browser settings

Follow-up Reading

Everything you need to know about cybercrime
10 easy ways to prevent malware infection 
Keep your data backed up

Thank you for choosing Malwarebytes and tell your friends and family too. We're here to help.




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You may also add Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomware beta for yet another layer of defense.  Beyond that, a good software firewall (my preference is towards modern WFP based firewalls as they tend to be much lighter on resources and typically have better compatibility with Windows itself and most other software, particularly other security applications).  Here is a brief selection of some of my personal favorites:

I'd also add a few additional browser extensions just to shore things up a bit more.  I myself am using Adblock Plus, but you can use it or uBlock Origin depending on your preference (though I'd advise disabling the whitelist option for allowing 'acceptable ads'; just look under Adblock Plus' Settings>General tab and uncheck the box next to Allow Acceptable Ads), and for privacy I use Ghostery, Disconnect, DuckDuckGo Privacy Essentials, and Privacy Badger, and for security, in addition to the Malwarebytes browser extension I also use HTTPS Everywhere, Easy WebRTC Block, and Windows Defender Browser Protection (it's essentially their SmartScreen filter for browsers other than Edge/Internet Explorer and works even if you don't have MSE or Windows Defender installed/active).

There are additional steps you can take to further secure your system such as disabling unnecessary network components and system services along with remote functions and sharing functions, however that's a bit beyond the scope of this thread so I'll just leave it at that.

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I will definitely do that! I will soon uninstall Avast and use Windows Defender along with a firewall and anti exploit and anti ransomwear (I also already have the malwarebytes chrome extension so I won't have to worry about that one) will I also have to use Avasts uninstall tool to get rid of all of its files? Or is that only for troubleshooting?

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On 6/8/2019 at 9:36 AM, Hyperwolf122 said:

Also a quick question, is the Malwarebytes Binisoft Windows Firewall lightweight?

Yep, definitely.  In fact, just about all of the WFP based firewalls are extremely lightweight, perhaps with the exception of the ones that bundle in a ton of additional functionality like GlassWire (it's not really too heavy on resource usage but it does include a LOT more monitoring functionality beyond the normal firewall stuff that the others do so it is heavier on resources than they are).

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