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As I understand it, recently MB products (independent apps and browser extensions) had to curtail their activities due to restrictions placed by Google in Chrome -- both on Windows desktops and Android phones.

Is this also true for chromium-based browsers?  I'm now using Brave on my desktops and Kiwi on my Androids.  Both browsers permit using the Chrome Extensions on both platforms.

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You report your Windows machines use the Brave browser.

Let's have you take a look at just the Protected Applications list on the Malwarebytes Premium on your box.

Start Malwarebytes.

Click Settings button.   Click the tab marked "Protection".

Click on the box marked "Manage Protected Applications".

Scroll thru the list.   Q:  Do you see "Brave" listed?

I am curious about that.


Google a few months ago, made a policy change, such that Malwarebytes ( & other security apps) could no longer "hook in" directly into the Chrome.

Thus, Malwarebytes Premium' anti-exploit does not now have anti-exploit on Chrome.


As to your query about other Chromium-based browsers, I have no knowledge.

All that aside, Malwarebytes 3 Premium does have multiple layers of real-time protection.

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Hi.  No, I do not see Brave or any name with "chrome" in it, listed!    (I see tor.exe listed, which we do not use.)

Can MB Support add Brave browser?

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I am guessing  that you could.   You will need to know just where the Brave exe is stored in Program Files.

So look that up first.



Click Settings button.   Click the tab marked "Protection".

Click on the box marked "Manage Protected Applications". 

Click the Add button.

Provide application name + the location where the EXE is stored.

You use the default Program type > Browsers

Click ON when all ready.

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Yes, that was easy to Add as a Custom Browser.





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OK.  Bravo  😎

It helps to have this confirmation on Brave browser.

The Malwarebytes Premium anti-exploit can & does protect most all browsers

( just minus Google Chrome).


If you need anything else, let me know.

It is a pleasure working with you.


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Just to add to what has already been said, Exploit Protection does actually still guard Chrome/Chromium based browsers, it simply does so via alternate methods from other browsers/applications, avoiding DLL injection as required by Google.  The exact extent of and nature of the protection provided I do not know, however I assume they still monitor its processes in memory to watch for malicious/exploit behavior in some way, likely similar to the methods used for monitoring system processes and components (the Application Hardening, Advanced Memory Protection, Application Behavior Protection etc. under the Advanced Settings interface; at least the ones which do not require DLL injection to enact; I know there must be some as Malwarebytes does not inject its DLL into the operating system's core services and components and yet it does shield them in many ways from many attack vectors and exploit behaviors, likely through its driver and background service).

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  • Root Admin

Brave is based on Chromium


My own thoughts on protection


Let's get real. If you're not backing up your data and you're still using Google Chrome then you're just not serious about Privacy, Safety, and protecting your data. Malwarebytes is a fantastic program but you still need to back up your data and you still need to block scripts and Ads in your browser. 
If you're still using Google Chrome I would highly suggest you consider using Firefox instead. For more advanced users you might consider installing NoScript as well (it does have a higher learning curve though)

Help Secure your browsers

Please install uBlock Origin for your browsers to better protect your system

FireFox, ChromeOpera , SafariMicrosoft Edge
AdBlock for Internet Explorer
How to use uBlock Origin to protect your online privacy and security | uBlock Origin tutorial 2018

This video tutorial above explains how to use uBlock Origin in advanced user mode and all the advanced settings to protect your online privacy and help prevent unwanted sites from changing your browser settings

Follow-up Reading

Everything you need to know about cybercrime
10 easy ways to prevent malware infection 
Keep your data backed up

Thank you for choosing Malwarebytes and tell your friends and family too. We're here to help.




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Yep.  We have nightly backups and always install MB and uBlock Origin.

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On 6/6/2019 at 7:17 AM, exile360 said:

Just to add to what has already been said, Exploit Protection does actually still guard Chrome/Chromium based browsers, it simply does so via alternate methods from other browsers/applications, avoiding DLL injection as required by Google...

Hi exile360:

Could you please clarify the  statement that "Exploit Protection does actually still guard Chrome/Chromium based browsers"?  The 29-Aug-2018 release notes <here> for the Component Package v1.0.441 state in part:


" Removed anti-exploit shield from Chrome due to Google’s new policy against code injection into Chrome "

While reading this thread I was surprised to learn that Malwarebytes Premium''s Exploit Protection module can be enabled for other Chromium-based browsers like Brave.  Has something changed in Exploit Prevention since Component Package v1.0.441 was released in Aug 2018 that gives Google Chrome (and not a custom fork like Brave) some sort of partial protection from exploit (e.g., everything but DLL injection)?
32-bit Vista Home Premium SP2 * Firefox ESR v52.9.0 * Norton Security Deluxe v22.15.2.22 * MB v3.5.1.2522-1.0.365

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Please refer to the information in this topic, specifically the comments from Arthi, the Technical PM for Anti-Exploit:

It is expected to not see the balloon notifications pop-up for Chrome and Edge since their protection is not the same in the traditional sense (through DLL injection) as with the other applications.

So the behavior you see is correct, but we do have protection for Chrome and Edge browsers adhering to the policies imposed by Google and Microsoft.

Also, as far as I know you can still add pretty much any browser/process as a custom shielded application; Malwarebytes just won't include Chrome by default (I use SRWare Iron and had no trouble adding its copy of chrome.exe to the shielded applications list using the browser profile).

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