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Adding Brave (Developer) and Brave (stable) browsers


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In trying to add Brave Developer browser and also Brave (Stable), exploit beta appears to get confused.  This also occurs with Malwarebytes 3.xx in the exploit section.

Same also for Opera Developer and Opera Stable browsers. 


For example,  Brave Dev and Brave (stable)

Name used: Brave Dev

path:  C:\Program Files (x86)\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser-Dev\Application\brave.exe


Name used: Brave (stable)

path:  C:\Program Files (x86)\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\Application\brave.exe


Exploit beta will say that shield is already added, when trying to the second brave browser.


Could a dev look into this please.

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Anti-Exploit only works with files by NAME (e.g., brave.exe), NOT by its path.    By protecting brave.exe, you are protecting ALL files of that name, regardless of path, and regardless of whether it's the brave browser, or some other distinct program that shares the same name.

So after you enter brave for the "first" browser, mbAE will tell you that it's already been added, when you attempt to enter it for the "second" browser.

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8 hours ago, ky331 said:

Anti-Exploit only works with files by NAME (e.g., brave.exe), NOT by its path.    By protecting brave.exe, you are protecting ALL files of that name, regardless of path, and regardless of whether it's the brave browser, or some other distinct program that shares the same name.

So after you enter brave for the "first" browser, mbAE will tell you that it's already been added, when you attempt to enter it for the "second" browser.

I did not know that.   Thank you for explaining.

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  • 2 months later...

Unfortunately I doubt that is possible, at least using the method used for other browsers as Chrome (and likely by extension, Microsoft's Chromium based variant of it) does not allow DLL injection into its processes, which is the default method used by Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit for shielding applications.  That said, they have implemented a different method of protection for Chrome, so it is possible that this protection also extends to the Edge variant of it, however I do not know that for certain.  It is also possible that the Malwarebytes Developers are waiting for it to come out of pre-release/testing before implementing any protection for it since they don't officially support any beta/pre-release software by default (and any protection they did implement would likely need to be changed by the time Microsoft releases the final version anyway since there will probably be many changes made to it before then architecturally).

In the meantime, you could try adding it manually using the method described above however I am not certain that it would work or that Microsoft would not display some kind of error and possibly refuse to run because of it.

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