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Remove Adwcleaner the remove button is already broken

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adwcleaner version and when I hover over setting > Application , and make sure to scroll down to bottom to this option ""Remove Adwcleaner"" and the remove button is not work or the button is grayed out already . maybe this is an bug ? here an screenshot of the problem .



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Thanks for posting in the AdwCleaner Help forum.

Someone will reply shortly, but in the meantime here are a few resources which may help resolve your issue:

Thanks in advance for your patience.

-The Malwarebytes Forum Team

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If you haven't run a scan yet then there is nothing to remove.  The Remove button exists to remove any logfiles from scans and items in quarantine that ADWCleaner has created on the system.  If you have not scanned yet then none of those objects exist yet and therefore this is nothing that can be removed by the Remove function/button.

If you have run a scan already and it is still grayed out then yes, it is a bug.

I found this information in the ADWCleaner user guide:

Remove AdwCleaner

Even though AdwCleaner doesn’t use any installation process, it stores a few files on the system. By clicking on this button, every file created by AdwCleaner will be deleted, including the quarantine. You may use the application again by double-clicking the file you originally downloaded, as described at the beginning of this guide.

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hello @exile360 and @1PW

many scans with adwcleaner is done already . I have an old version adwcleaner_7.2.7.0 on my USB drive and I use it from there and I just run it and check again this version and the remove button is clickable !

my latest version of adwcleaner is _7.3 which still in my "download folder" and I use it from there

but with the latest version the "remove button" is still broken here an screenshot for an old version of the adwcleaner tool

2 hours ago, 1PW said:

Hello @Gt-truth:

Did you remember to right-click the saved adwcleaner_7.3.exe file and left-click RunAsAdmin.jpg  Run as administrator from the context menu to launch?

yes that what I did by run it as administrator as well :)


Edited by Gt-truth
typo ::
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9 hours ago, exile360 said:

That is odd, please try restarting your system to see if that helps.  It could be that one of the program's drivers or other components is preventing it from being removed and if so, restarting the computer and launching ADWCleaner again may resolve it.

powered my system off and powered it back on and this have to solve the problem with the adwcleaner :) thanks :)

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