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Hypothetical "Cyberattack Preparedness and Response" Work/School Drill


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Something I would like to do in the not too distant future is arrange drills for my local college for both preparedness and response to cyber attacks.

However, short of "back up your important files, we will have a ransomware drill this friday afternoon", I can't actually think of any specific ways to execute it. I've been wanting to do this sort of thing for a while now, but I just don't know what to put on paper.

Any discussion would be appreciated. 🦊

Speaking of which, what do you think of my accidental acronym? Cyberattack Preparedness and Response, or CPR. I didn't even realize I had made that until I started typing this addendum.

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It already exists as Situational Awareness Training.

Situational Awareness Training is a set of learned skills individuals and corporate entities can employ to improve each person's ability to identify and mitigate potential threats and to gain a conscious awareness of their physical and virtual surroundings.

This can be understanding threats in the virtual world of constructs such as Phishing or in the physical world such as walking along a street with one's face buried in a Smart Phone or while using head phones ( ear buds ).

One form of physical threat in an academic setting is the Situational Awareness Training of Active Shooter.  This is the threat that an insider or an outsider may pose to the institution to carry out an armed killing spree.

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