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Why is Malwarebytes not removing threats?

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I have been using Malwarebytes for almost 3 months for free, and it did its job well without any issues until i accidentally "Updated" Flash and now I have a site redirect virus and a fake tech support scam, I tried scanning and Malwarebytes did find the threats, and when i restarted my computer to remove those threats, nothing has changed, i tried at least 5 times and still nothing has changed, please help me

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I don't believe those instructions apply to your situation.

I'm not altogether clear on your situation. Although Malwarebytes will normally remove the offending malware, it cannot restore any settings that were changed by that malware. There are also a few items which Malwarebytes is unable to remove and other times when the infection is able to repair itself.

Please start by implementing any of the instructions in the pinned article at the top of this forum and linked below. If that doesn’t fix the problem, then come back and be much more detailed on exactly what you are seeing that has it changed.


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I'll take a look at this article but the same has happened to me, also updating Flash.  So I've gone on to many Apple forums which have suggested using Malwarebytes.  I downloaded it, it detected problems, I restarted it, and it is still the same - the problem is still there. I'll see how I go with the link. 

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I'll take a look at this article but the same has happened to me, also updating Flash.  So I've gone on to many Apple forums which have suggested using Malwarebytes.  I downloaded it, it detected problems, I restarted the computer, and it is still the same - the problem is still there. I'll see how I go with the link. 

Ok I looked at the article and nothing helped in it. 

So I type a search but I am redirected to "Bing" - via trove.com and something (its too quick to find out) like goto... that pops up in the internet address area. 

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This may be something new.

Please contact support using the form on this page: https://support.malwarebytes.com/community/contactsupport/pages/home-support. They will probably ask you to submit data which should not be posted publicly due to privacy concerns. 

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