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I have used Malwarebytes since 2011 with 3 Licenses on 3 PC's.

Yesterday I found an old PC that was replaced with a new PC 2 years ago.

In order to see if it could be used by the children I booted up to see if it could be useful.

There was a copy of Malwarebytes on that PC that should have been removed.

Before I could remove Malwarebytes I had license problems.

Malwarebytes is removed but I now have only 1 Lifetime license instead of 3.

Any ideas how to solve this?



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If you are having technical issues with our Windows product, please do the following: 


If you haven’t already done so, please run the Malwarebytes Support Tool and then attach the logs in your next reply:

NOTE: The tools and the information obtained is safe and not harmful to your privacy or your computer, please allow the programs to run if blocked by your system.

  1. Download Malwarebytes Support Tool
  2. Once the file is downloaded, open your Downloads folder/location of the downloaded file
  3. Double-click mb-support-X.X.X.XXXX.exe to run the program
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  5. You will be presented with a page stating, "Get Started!"
  6. Click the Advanced tab on the left column
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  7. Click the Gather Logs button
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  8. A progress bar will appear and the program will proceed with getting logs from your computer
    19. System Repair Progress.png
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One of our experts will be able to assist you shortly.


If you are having licensing issues, please do the following: 


For any of these issues:

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  • Transaction Receipt

Please contact our support team at https://support.malwarebytes.com/community/consumer/pages/contact-us to get help

If you need help looking up your license details, please head here: https://support.malwarebytes.com/docs/DOC-1264 


Thanks in advance for your patience.

-The Malwarebytes Forum Team


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Hi   :welcome:


 Assuming you bought licenses directly from Malwarebytes, you would have supplied a Email at the original purchase.

That same email is what you should use to login to Malwarebytes MyAccount.


If you have misplaced or do not have the password for that login, use the blue "Forgot password" link.

Keep in mind that the Email has to be valid and active.



That being able to do that login and then to see what it shows there for Licenses is an important factor.

If you do not see your license listed there, you can not make headway on your own.  In the latter case, you will need to create a Support help ticket  ( if not already done).

There are several help articles on the Support portal about the topic of licenses, de-activation, re-activation.

Start with Manage subscriptions in My Account  https://support.malwarebytes.com/docs/DOC-1032

Patience is the watchword.
 I would encourage you, if you have not already done so, to create a Help Ticket with Support.   This forum can only provide you generic type help.

Please go to this link   https://support.malwarebytes.com/community/contactsupport/pages/home-support

Provide the detail and submit the ticket.

Do scroll down to the section “Create Ticket”.

Please double check that you supply a valid / properly spelled & correct Email  ( hopefully the same one you used at the time of original purchase).

Edited by Maurice Naggar
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I also have the same problem, I used to have Malwarebytes on 2 computers, now I only have it on 1! I submitted a ticket # 2611495, but no one responded as of this date. The message that I am getting is telling me that  "the usage level has exceeded the maximum installations allowed. There is a problem with my license key and we are unable to activate your license. It then is asking me to deactivate other devices.

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35 minutes ago, neal815 said:

I also have the same problem, I used to have Malwarebytes on 2 computers, now I only have it on 1! I submitted a ticket # 2611495

Hello and Welcome

Can you tell us what type of license you had, was it a lifetime license by chance?  As for response's to your ticket, make sure you check your spam/junk folders for any possible replies.

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I have  the Malwarebytes 3.0 Premium licensed for Lifetime for 3 Machines

and I have used all 3 since year 2011.

My account now shows   0.1  Licenses     (and using more machines than my account is allowed for)

I have still 2 Machines running with the Premium program and one machine is back to basic.

I guess that more of them will be back to basic in the next update.


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The Malwarebytes Lifetime license is  ( and always was)  a single license for one Windows computer.

1 lifetime license = 1 Windows machine

It was never for more than one Windows device.   Though the license can be transferred (deactivated) from a old machine to a new Windows machine.

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I have to differ with you, until a few days ago, I was using Malwarebytes on 2 windows computers with no problem for years! Then as I explained, it is only activated on my desktop now. When I tried to activate it on my laptop, it states that I have exceeded the limit, and is asking me to deactivate it on another computer! When I sign in to my Malwarebytes account, it shows the 2 windows computers that I have it on.

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17 minutes ago, neal815 said:

I have to differ with you, until a few days ago, I was using Malwarebytes on 2 windows computers with no problem for years!

That might be so BUT, The lifetime ones were and are only for ONE computer at a time. Malwarebytes has "improved" the licensing system to better enforce the original terms of the license.

This is probably why support is having so many requests about overused keys. 

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I don't agree that it was  only 1 license per machine..

In 2011 when i got mine, you could buy a lifetime license for 1 Pc 

OR for a bundle of 3 machines in one lifetime license. (or maybe you call it Account)

It was not possible to use that license for more than 3 machines .


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9 minutes ago, LasseKarlsson said:

I don't agree that it was  only 1 license per machine..

In 2011 when i got mine, you could buy a lifetime license for 1 Pc 

OR for a bundle of 3 machines in one lifetime license. (or maybe you call it Account)

It was not possible to use that license for more than 3 machines .


Feel free to contact support with your proof of purchase and they can iron it out for you.


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I purchased a lifetime licence for use with 3 PCs in July 2016 from IT Factory

I had reformatted a PC in 2018 due to virus and another in Jan 2019 for upgrade.  Both times I opened a case with support, provided receipts and was able to have my PC activated.

Now, one of PCs died so went through the same process but am now told 3 PC license never existed and I "confused".  The support person never asked for proof of purchase, additional information or past support tickets.  He came to a conclusion before ever trying to help me.  I still have Malwarebytes Pro active on 2 PCs but now cannot activate it on my 3rd...  Worst customer service I've experienced to date.

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There just simply was never any lifetime license for 3 machines. Lifetime licenses were always single seat license.   1 lifetime license = 1 Windows pc

Malwarebytes stopped selling lifetime license in Spring 2014.

Sorry to read you made a purchase thru IT Factory.

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3 minutes ago, Maurice Naggar said:

There just simply was never any lifetime license for 3 machines. Lifetime licenses were always single seat license.   1 lifetime license = 1 Windows pc

Malwarebytes stopped selling lifetime license in Spring 2014.

Sorry to read you made a purchase thru IT Factory.

I think the sale was an error but Malwarebytes seemed to honor the purchases... till now

The below forum link details the deal back in July 2016


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The licensing system has been overhauled recently and the former grace that was built into licenses is no longer present which explains why lifetime licenses are now limited to a single device.  It is true that all lifetime keys were valid for only 1 device at a time from the beginning, however the old system had a built in allowance for up to 3 installations/uses before the system would invalidate the key because users could not deactivate devices they no longer had access to (such as systems where the drive has failed or where they no longer own the systems); now that the new system has been implemented which tracks licenses and subscriptions more accurately and allows users to deactivate their own licenses/devices via My.Malwarebytes.com, that 3 device allowance has been removed.  In the past when you would contact Support for them to reset your license, this is all they did; essentially the same thing you can now do with the Deactivate all function in the My Account portal at My.Malwarebytes.com, however because that 3 activation allowance has been removed and lifetime licenses are restricted to their original single device, resetting the license key only restores functionality for activating a single device.  This unfortunately means that anyone relying on using a single lifetime license for multiple devices simultaneously is going to run into this issue.

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2 minutes ago, exile360 said:

The licensing system has been overhauled recently and the former grace that was built into licenses is no longer present which explains why lifetime licenses are now limited to a single device.  It is true that all lifetime keys were valid for only 1 device at a time from the beginning, however the old system had a built in allowance for up to 3 installations/uses before the system would invalidate the key because users could not deactivate devices they no longer had access to (such as systems where the drive has failed or where they no longer own the systems); now that the new system has been implemented which tracks licenses and subscriptions more accurately and allows users to deactivate their own licenses/devices via My.Malwarebytes.com, that 3 device allowance has been removed.  In the past when you would contact Support for them to reset your license, this is all they did; essentially the same thing you can now do with the Deactivate all function in the My Account portal at My.Malwarebytes.com, however because that 3 activation allowance has been removed and lifetime licenses are restricted to their original single device, resetting the license key only restores functionality for activating a single device.  This unfortunately means that anyone relying on using a single lifetime license for multiple devices simultaneously is going to run into this issue.

I wish the customer service rep I am dealing with on ticket 2612643 advised me of this...

I don't agree or like it but it's a detailed account of what happened before and how i am effected now...  versus the current response of "Sorry for your confusion" emails I am getting

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I only know all of this because I worked for Malwarebytes back then in the early days (I was with the company for nearly 8 years starting back in 2010) and it's quite possible the individual assisting you wasn't around back then and isn't aware of how the licensing system used to work before Malwarebytes changed over to the yearly subscription model and overhauled the licensing/activation system.

With that said, it is interesting that one of the links in that forum post you linked to actually mentions a $35 3 device lifetime license.  I have never seen that before and back then I'm very certain they didn't have any multi-seat licenses for individual license keys for any of their consumer offerings (obviously they did for their business products, but it wasn't sold that way and didn't have lifetime licenses as it was always a yearly subscription).  I'm guessing that perhaps what they were offering was a discount for 3 lifetime keys as that's the only way the system would allow it without eventually blacklisting it.

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Same here, in fact when I bought mine it came with 5 PCs and now it is only 1. It was a special they were running when I bought it in 2011, instead of 3 PCs it was 5 PCs. I don't care what any of the staff says now it was setup for multiple PCs. I think it is very convenient for them to pull this out of their ass after 8 years of using it saying it only covered 1 PC when it never has. Maybe we can ask the Better Business Bureau what they think about it. Here is what mine looked like, there was no yearly subscription in 2011 it was a one time purchase. 

https://www.amazon.com/Malwarebytes-Comprehensive-Cybersecurity-Device-Year/dp/B07JNB3N9B/ref=sr_1_13?crid=2JTGOGYE5H1BD&keywords=malwarebytes&qid=1558782620&s=software&sprefix=malware%2Csoftware%2C153&sr=1-13 Here is the 3 PCs now https://www.amazon.com/Malwarebytes-98214-Premium-Security-Program/dp/B073BJSPB9/ref=sr_1_4?crid=2JTGOGYE5H1BD&keywords=malwarebytes&qid=1558783257&s=software&sprefix=malware%2Csoftware%2C153&sr=1-4


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The Malwarebytes Lifetime license is  ( and always was)  a single license for one Windows computer.

1 lifetime license = 1 Windows machine

Any seller who claimed it was good for more than one, is a scammer.

As to Amazon sellers, in years past, there had been a number of scam sellers.

The licensing system is enforcing the terms of the lifetime license.

One lifetime license for use on one machine.

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https://www.amazon.com/Malwarebytes-Comprehensive-Cybersecurity-Device-Year/dp/B07JNB3N9B/ref=sr_1_13?crid=2JTGOGYE5H1BD&keywords=malwarebytes&qid=1558782620&s=software&sprefix=malware%2Csoftware%2C153&sr=1-13 Here is the 3 PCs now https://www.amazon.com/Malwarebytes-98214-Premium-Security-Program/dp/B073BJSPB9/ref=sr_1_4?crid=2JTGOGYE5H1BD&keywords=malwarebytes&qid=1558783257&s=software&sprefix=malware%2Csoftware%2C153&sr=1-4
7 hours ago, darkstuka said:

Same here, in fact when I bought mine it came with 5 PCs and now it is only 1. It was a special they were running when I bought it in 2011, instead of 3 PCs it was 5 PCs. I don't care what any of the staff says now it was setup for multiple PCs. I think it is very convenient for them to pull this out of their ass after 8 years of using it saying it only covered 1 PC when it never has. Maybe we can ask the Better Business Bureau what they think about it. Here is what mine looked like, there was no yearly subscription in 2011 it was a one time purchase


"Any seller who claimed it was good for more than one, is a scammer." - Agree

Below is the Reviews of the Sales page link that you have provided.



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The 2 Amazon links cited 3 posts back ..... are for One Year Premium subscriptions.   Subscriptions for one year term.  You can see "1 Year" cited.

Those are NOT lifetime licenses.

The second link is for a subscription license (yearly sub)  from Malwarebytes.

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When I bought it there were no subscriptions it was a one time fee. I have been using it on all five of my computers since 2011,  just as advertised, when I bought it. If I tried to put it on a sixth computer it would not work. I have called support a few times over the years when a computer crashed. They told me they were not sure which computer it was so they had to reset all PCs and not just the one. Why would they have said that the multiple times I have called to reset a license?

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Signing in to the Malwarebytes MyAccount portal would show just how many devices a particular license is good for.

View subscriptions in My Account




How do I view my past purchases / order history?


The "one time fee" i.e. lifetime license, is simply just only for One Windows pc.

Despite what you had been able to do in the past.

The licensing system is enforcing the terms of the license.


 I would encourage you, if you have not already done so, to create a Help Ticket with Support.   This forum can only provide you generic type help.

Please go to this link   https://support.malwarebytes.com/community/contactsupport/pages/home-support

Provide the detail and submit the ticket.

Do scroll down to the section “Create Ticket”.

Please double check that you supply a valid / properly spelled & correct Email  ( hopefully the same one you used at the time or original purchase).


Assuming you bought licenses directly from Malwarebytes, you would have supplied a Email at the original purchase.

That same email is what you should use to login to Malwarebytes MyAccount.


If you have misplaced or do not have the password for that login, use the blue "Forgot password" link.

Keep in mind that the Email has to be valid and active.


That being able to do that login and then to see what it shows there for Licenses is an important factor.

If you do not see your license listed there, you can not make headway on your own.  In the latter case, you will need to create a Support help ticket  ( if not already done).

There are several help articles on the Support portal about the topic of licenses, de-activation, re-activation.

Start with Manage subscriptions in My Account  https://support.malwarebytes.com/docs/DOC-1032

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