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Hey everyone,

I'm looking to buy some of those black or blue velcro strap ties for cable management purposes... I went to staples and office depot and they have the velcro ties, they just feel extremely cheap and incapable of doing the job! I don't mind buying a whole reel if I have to as long as the price isn't too steep. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.


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I've bought a fair amount of stuff from Cyberguys with good results. They have lots of electronics/computer accessories including velcro cable straps in lots of colors. I've bought both the combo packs and the rolls. All have worked great so far. The velcro straps are like those Brother label makers; you find lots of uses for them once you have them.


After you buy from Cyberguys, they send you print catalogs for quite a while (which are entertaining to look at as they have lots of stuff you didn't know that you need/want).

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