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Hi, I batch files using robocopy to backup my network files.  Until recently never had a problem, but now Malwarewarebytes determines them as ransomware while running, stops the process midway, quarantines the .bat file and locks me out from trying to edit the file (Please refer jpg).  I have tried the following but get the same outcome:
1)  excluding the individual files and the entire folder where i keep the batch files (pls refer jpg)
2)  disabling the ransomware protection temporarily before running the batch file

Please advise, many thanks



(A) sample of the batch file saved as "1 Backup media to_W.txt" file as the .bat extension is not allowed by your upload filter.

(B)  PermissionDenied.jpg

(C) Exclusions.jpg



1 Backup media to_W.txt

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