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I have a Premium license for my MacBook Pro.  I have no problems with the application on my machine, but I have a number of external hard disks attached to the computer.  When Malwarebytes runs its scans, does it inspect these external drives for potential malware?  Or only the computer on which it is installed?

Thank you.

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It does not currently scan external drives and I am not aware of plans to do so. The way Malwarebytes searches and watches only known malware locations require a standard boot drive architecture and would not know the structure of any external. If any of your external drives are bootable, then you would need to have Malwarebytes installed and boot from it. If you have moved home or download folders to those external drives with links then it might be able to scan there, but I have not checked that.

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Thanks for the response.  The issue is that, when one downloads files (xls, doc, ppt, mp4) directly to a downloads folder on an external file, malware (if embedded in the file) could reside without getting detected.  Only after opening the file might it be found, but I am not certain how it would be.

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I suspect that Malwarebytes will be aware that your download folder is external and will catch malware downloaded there if you have symlinked it to the standard Download folder in your Home folder, but if you simply told the browser to download elsewhere, I suspect it won't recognize that.

I suspect that the Staff won’t be here until Monday now to confirm.

Edited by alvarnell
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