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OK, I have a contract and am using malwarebytes on two laptops.  Can I also use the program on my iPad?  If yes, how do I make it happen?  If no, can I download a free program for the iPad?  If the program is free will I be asked for a credit card number?

Thanks, Hank 

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You can use the ad blocking feature for free on an iPad. The web protection feature is Premium, and cannot be activated using a license key, due to App Store restrictions. You would need to purchase a Premium subscription for iOS through an in-app subscription via the App Store.

However, as this forum is the mobile malware removal forum, I'd like to just make sure that you saw what Nathan said. Malwarebytes for iOS does not scan for malware, because that is not possible on iOS, due to Apple-enforced restrictions. Apps are not allowed out of their "sandboxes," and thus are not able to see anything on the device other than their own data.

If you are having a problem with your iPad that you believe is due to malware, please provide more details so we can help you understand how to solve the problem.

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Your post explains a lot and I thank you a lot - I believe Malwarebytes is great company.  The program has bailed me out a few times over the years.

With this iPad which I have had for a couple of years I have not had problems with pop ups until last week when I got one that said something like you have 30 plus viruses, do not delete this message or shut down the computer.  I x’d out of the screen and have not had any problems since.  That’s when I started looking into Malwarebytes for the iPad.

Thanks again for your support,

Hank Beaudet

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As you may know, such pop-ups are simply a ruse in an attempt to get you to contact and pay someone for support you don't need. They are caused by code on the website you visit, usually embedded in advertising (so-called malvertising). There is no known way for a web site to scan your iPad (or Mac for that matter) for malware from the Internet. You did exactly the right thing by ignoring it.

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