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I am a paid Malwarebytes Pro -3 subscriber for my PC.  How do I activate Malwarebytes on my Android smartphone?

Is activation of my Android mobile device app included in my Malwarebytes Pro-3 subscription like it is in my McAfee LiveSafe subscription?

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Yes, you may use your 3 subscriptions on any combination of 3 devices that you choose including PC, Android, Mac and Chrome OS.  To activate the Android product, simply download it from the Google Play store and enter your license key to activate it.  Instructions on how to activate it can be found in this support article and you can view and manage your subscriptions/licenses/devices by creating an account at My.Malwarebytes.com using the same email address you used when you purchased your subscriptions and then logging in there.  Information on how to do so can be found in this support article and info on managing your devices can be found in this support article.  There is also a user guide for Malwarebytes for Android available here that should prove useful to you.

I hope this helps, and if there is anything else we might assist you with please let us know.


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