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Can't connect to internet

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I doubt that anybody will be checking here until Monday morning, so I'll give you a few ideas.

I've never seen a number anywhere close to "308" reported here, so I'm amazed that you were even able to use your computer.

I don't recall there ever being a confirmed instance of Malwarebytes for Mac ever preventing Internet access, but that will certainly complicate getting sufficient information to troubleshoot your problems. There are diagnostics available that would give the help desk some clues on what's going on, but they would need to be downloaded to run and then sent back privately. All of your system files are protected and can't be removed or damaged by Malwarebytes, so it's either a coincidence or some other action has caused your Internet issue. Have you lost connectivity for all apps that require it? I take it you have other devices on your network that do have Internet access that allowed you to post here?

I seriously doubt that there is any need to restore any of the files found. False Positives are extremely rare here. If there are any that you know you need, give us a list and we'll try to help you with restoration.

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Thanks for answering

Well someone has to be the first with 308 :)  and the computer was still running. I downloaded Malwarebytes because I had trouble with Chrome that kept opening extra pages with ads.

All my other devices at home work, and the iMac has connection to internet both via Ethernet and Wi-fi as shown in the pdf attached. Ethernet.pdf

I can connect the computer via my phones shared network, but still can't get connection to Internet. I can share files by airdrop


I can't use Safari or Chrome and I can't start Ceative Cloud so something is blocking my access to internet.

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Sounds like one of those malware attacks created a proxy connection or if you normally do use a proxy or VPN for some reason it has been disrupted and just needs to be reconfigured.

Open System Preferences->Network. Select your internet connection and click on “Advanced” button in the left column. Select the Proxies tab and make sure either nothing is checked or if you normally use proxy /VPN then reset it up according to the providers instructions.

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