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I purchased the premium version of Malwarebtyes for my Mom. She now tells me that she is getting an alert to purchase the premium version again. What I’m thinking is the 30 free version was up and she didn’t know what to do. I have a copy of the Apple store which shows she paid for the premium version. I’m going over this morning and would like to fix this for her. Here’s what she is seeing now. 


I have the information from the Apple store and just need to know what to do before I get there. 

Thanks 🙏 

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I can't say much without more information, but can provide a little general advice:

1) Subscriptions are associated with the Apple ID, so she needs to be signed in to the same Apple ID on her iPad that was used to purchase the subscription.

2) The first 30 days of a subscription are free, but it should continue into a paid subscription at that point, with no further user action required, rather than ending. (I have mixed feelings about that type of trial, but that's the way the App Store does it.)

3) If the subscription were canceled, the app would carry through the remainder of the paid term (1 month or 1 year, depending on the subscription type) before reverting to Free mode.

4) If something strange happened and the app for some reason lost track of the subscription, but the subscription is still valid, you should be able to use the Restore previous purchase button in the settings to get it re-activated.

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Thanks treed,

 I found out what happened is she thought it was fraud because she didn’t remember putting it on her iPad and canceled it but she told the lady at the credit card company to put it back on her account and I don’t think they did. I will have to talk to the credit card company and get it straightened out. I will post back if there’s any other issues. I found all of this in her Apple purchases. 

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She was infected by a spam server. I will PM you with the details in pictures.  This was pretty slick the way things were. PMing you now with detail pics. 

BTW, this had nothing to do with Malwarebtyes what I found but I believe Malwarebtyes has all the information that they need to block this from happening to anyone else. 

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