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templatehub.co pop ups

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That certainly seems to lead to a legitimate website which dispenses an installer that is signed with a valid developer AppleID.

What are you observing that leads you to believe that it should be found by Malwarebytes?

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It annoyingly lists several popups every time I logon to Chrome in increasing numbers that appear to slow down my MacBook Air - then there is this:

Template Hub is a browser hijacker that it will change the homepage and search engine for your web browser to Template Hub New Tab Search. ... Browser hijackers are a type of malware created for the purpose of modifying Internet browser settings without the user's knowledge or consent.

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  • 2 weeks later...

so even though it has been added to the rules for detection and even though I have run the scan several times and come up with no new quarantine files, I continue to run into serious problems with template hub pop ups.  I find they are now slowing the start up of my Macbook Air and peppering Chrome with several unwanted posts.  Wish there was some way to get rid of this miserable imbedded extension.  Ugh.

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